
How To Install Ssl Certificate In Windows Server 2008 R2

Its something I do without really thinking about, just become another document and add together it to the server so that the website can load with https:// instead of http://I have used lots of different SSL providers, yet I have found that the most reliable and easy to use is and their customer service and support is exceptional.I will attempt to make this as stride-past-stride as I maybe can so that it'due south easy to follow.

Role one - Creating the certificate request

1. Open the IIS (Internet Information Services) DirectorScreen Shot 2013-09-12 at 08.35.48two. Click on the server name on the left hand side and so double-click on Server CertificatesScreen Shot 2013-09-12 at 08.37.10 iii. On the right-hand-side of the server certificates section, click onCreate Certificate Request Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 08.42.444. The Asking Certificate magician is displayed.  The Common Proper name is the website URL that y'all are going to make SSL. In this example, I am creating a certificate for one of our systems, Good Morning Pulse.In that location are two main types of document, single and wildcard. A single certificate is for a single site (due east.g., a wildcard certificate is for multiple sub-domains at the same domain (due east.g. AND kingdom of great britain and northern ireland ... and as many other sub-domains as yous tin think of) without having to purchase split up certificates for each sub-domain.Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 08.47.08The only REALLY important role of this is the common proper name.Click on Next to continue  v. Change the Bit length to 2048 or higher. A notation of caution on this - if you change it to a really loftier bit length information technology means that the volume (size in kb) of all pages being sent to and from your website is significantly increased, simply is more secure.You lot should non cull any setting lower than 2048. As of October 2013, all 1024-flake certificates have been revoked and 2048 is the new standard.Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 08.50.366. Adjacent nosotros are choosing a place to put the certificate asking (only a apparently text file). I normally put this on the Windows Desktop for ease of accessing in a few steps time.Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 08.53.11Click on the... push to choose the locationScreen Shot 2013-09-12 at 08.53.33Requite the file a name. I usually call information technology "certReq" (Document Request) simply and so I know what it is. If it already exists information technology will overwrite whatsoever existing file.Click on theOpen button to select the file (information technology volition be created if it does non already exist)Click onFinish to consummate the certificate asking procedure

Part two - Submitting and creating the SSL document

one. Open the certificate request file y'all created in Part aneScreen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.00.32Select and copy the entire certificate (Ctrl + A or Cmd + A) and so Copy (Ctrl + C or Cmd + C) INCLUDING the -----Begin NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST------ (and end) parts.two. Visit kingdom of great britain and northern irelandScreen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.06.41Click on theBuy Cheap RapidSSL green button2. Choose the type of SSL certificate y'all desire to order (In this example I am ordered a normal Rapid SSL Certificate for £9.99. Click on the greenishOrder Now push.Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.08.223. Choose the length of time you wish the certificate to be valid for. Unless you desire to have to go through this process every 12 months (which gets very time-consuming when you take tens or hundreds to purchase), its all-time to go for the longest time-frame you tin can afford.Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.08.57In this case, I am choosing 48 months, which is just £35.96 at the time of writing.Issuance Insurance: its your decision whether to keep this or non, and depends on what you need. I always turn Issuance Insurance off, in this case information technology volition salve £48 off the bill. If you think you lot are going to move servers, and so keep this on unless you know how to consign certificates from one server to another (thats another tutorial in the hereafter).Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.13.04Click onContinue4. Enter all your contact information. Brand certain you have access to the email address supplied at this stage otherwise you wont become the document at the end. (I accept not entered all my details in the screen-shot below yet)Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.15.40Click onContinue5. Click onSubmit newly generated document signing request (I don't know why they think every word needs a majuscule, simply anyhow)Paste in your certificate that you copied in Step oneScreen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.19.39Click onContinue6. Yous are asked to verify the information. Click onKeep Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.22.027. Next you have to confirm that you lot own the domain proper name past receiving an email at the domain. If you don't have a postal service server set up, the easiest style to do this is to simply set up a mail service forwarder to your own email address (very easy and complimentary if you registered your domain with )Cull the email address to send the approver email to, and click onGo on Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.25.438. Read the subscriber agreement (has anyone ever read these?) Click onGo on Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.26.16ix. The confirmation details of what y'all are ordering is shown. Curl downwardly and click onKeep10. Pay for the certificate. I always use PayPal, which makes the document issuing procedure very fast indeed. No matter how you pay, information technology always says thanks for your credit menu payment.Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.31.29Thats the online (spider web) part done for at present.11. Check your email (or the email accost you choose at stride 7 higher up if information technology doesnt forward to your own email address). You volition have an e-mail that asks y'all to visit a URL and Approve the certificate. Click on the link and clickI Corroborate12. Go get a loving cup of tea, java or coke, check your electronic mail, play Minecraft or whatever takes your fancy. It takes about ten minutes for your certificate to be created and information technology is then emailed to you lot.

 Office 3 - Installing the document on the server

1. Y'all should have an email from TrustICO (in this example it took 12 minutes to get to me) with the subject RapidSSL Fulfillment E-mail [certificate proper name]Scroll downwards the email until you get to the ----Begin CERTIFICATE----- part. I have (obviously) hashed out my certificate for security reasons.Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 09.50.58Select the whole document (including the brainstorm and end lines) and Copy information technology to the clipboard (Ctrl + C or Cmd+C).Go dorsum to the server (or if y'all are already on it, get to the desktop)2. On the server, Open up Notepad3. Paste in the certificateScreen Shot 2013-09-12 at 10.02.13iv. Click onFile,Relieve As and choose the Desktop once again (or if like me you take a lot of certificates, create a folder to put them all in)Give the certificate a name you will retrieve (I e'er put the years in and then that I tin can distinguish betwixt unlike years worth of certificates).IMPORTANT - there MUST be the extension.cer at the end.Of import - change the "Save As Type" toAll Files (if you lot forget, it will add together a .txt at the end of the file proper noun, which you so accept to remove to make it piece of work)Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 10.05.38Click onSave5. You should now see a certificate on your desktop (or the folder where yous saved it)Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 10.10.036. Open IIS and go to the Server Certificates detailScreen Shot 2013-09-12 at 08.35.48 Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 08.37.10 7. Click onComplete Certificate Request on the right hand sideScreen Shot 2013-09-12 at 08.42.448. Choose your certificate for the File Proper noun boxIMPORTANT - Friendly Name - if you ordered a wildcard certificate it is Actually IMPORTANT that yous put the common proper noun of the document as the friendly name (e.g. * this case, as information technology was a single certificate, not a wildcard its good to requite it a name then that y'all know which is which on the list.Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 10.15.15Click onOKIIS Parses the request, and if successful (which it always should be if you have created the certificate correctly) and so information technology volition add the certificate to your list.

 Part four - Binding the document to the website

Then you accept your certificate on the server, and you now need to tell your website to utilise it.1. In IIS, expand the Sites item on the left hand side2. Right-click on the site you wish to use the SSL document for, and click onEdit Bindings Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 10.24.353. The site bindings are displayed. Click onAdd4. Change the blazon tohttps so Cull your new certificate Screen Shot 2013-09-12 at 10.25.48Click onOK and then Click onClose5. The site will now allow https connections! Its that simple!


If you want to make your site exclusively SSL (re-directing automatically from http to https) then bank check out this post.


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